Printmaking studio: Open Access
Date 7 Oct 2024 to 18 Jun 2025
Price 1 session (2,5hours): 15€; 10 sessions 135€; Ar.Co Students and former students: 1 session (2,5hours) 8€, 10 sessions 72€
Schedule Mondays and Tuesdays from 10h30 to 13h and 14h to 16h30; Wednesdays from 10h30 to 13h and 14h to 16h30
Type occasional
On-premise sessions (by appointment)
The printmaking studio is open on Tuesdays, by appointment, for students and people from outside Ar.Co, with the technical support of a teacher.
During open access hours, participants may the explore etching techniques, namely aquatint, etching, drypoint, soft-ground and collogravure, as well as planographic techniques such as lino print.
Access to open access studio time requires autonomy in printing practice and editions as well as a prior consultation with the teacher in charge. Candidates must book sessions with at least 24 hours in advance at the Almada office.
Ar.Co's printmaking studio offers regular workshops with specific technical exercises for participants with no experience in printmaking